Over the past few years of writing this blog, I’ve alluded to announcing “Big News Coming!”.  While many of my clients may already know, I’ve been waiting to announce that my wife and I have been in the process of an adoption over the past couple of years. So there it is… I’m going to be a Dad haha. I feel like I’ve been in purgatory of being a parent during the past few years of this long process. So very soon I’ll be trading in my gross tat boots for some New Balances . I’m very excited to put another thing first before tattooing. My wife might disagree that she’s first 👀 but that’s for another blog post. I’m not sure what being a father entails, but I’m sure I’ll find out real quick. Over the past year the one thing I’ve thought about for sure is if being a dad is the “Death of Cool?”. But is it? Will my Tat-cool license be revoked? Is becoming a Dad uncool? Are dads typically drill sergeants, assholes, corny drunks telling bad jokes? It might sound horrible to you, but that actually sounds awesome ! I’ve been pondering this for a while. What is cool? Truly. Being a Dad, tattooing, or neither ? Tattoos Rule! Getting tattooed is cool! But the commercialization of the tattooing industry isn’t cool. It’s quite the opposite . Sure tattooing looks cool from the outside, but it is physically and mentally taxing. But does a bunch of grown ass adults with mental illness hustling online look cool? Do I want to be a 50 year old tattooer begging for attention to stay relevant? That shit sounds horrible and pathetic when you lay it all out. It’s chick shit. Being a psychopath Dad on the sideline of my child’s football game because of a bad call sounds pretty sick. Thats cool! By all means I love tattooing, I’m just talking about the face of the industry. Tattooing is at the highest level in its history and continues to grow. The quality is bar none. But the state of tattooing has got to be the most Homogenized, Cringe, and Uncool time in history. Mouth breathers and unoriginality has taken over. I’m not trying to sound like a bitter old man, its just facts. By the way, I don’t exclude myself from this depiction! I am Him! Maybe I’ll have a different outlook when I’m providing for my kid. I can totally see myself stressing and whoring myself out, just to buy my kid Gucci loafers for their senior prom. I love to be proven wrong, mind changed. I’m excited to see where this new adventure takes me and my family. Thank you to everyone who has and continues to support me. I’m so grateful for every client that comes through the shop doors, and for all the awesome tattoo ideas you guys bring to me and trust me to do! At some point soon I’ll be out of the shop on leave for a month or so. I will keep you posted when that time comes. Please be patient with me . Any questions or concerns please reach out. All the peace and love. C-Dogg

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